Style Manual Selection

Increase your accuracy, uniformity, and efficiency while adhering to the latest legal writing standards with the ezBriefs Style Manual Selector. Automatically find and mark jurisdiction-specific authorities with one click instead of spending hours in doc review. Simply select from a comprehensive dropdown list ranging from Bluebook to the California Style Manual, New York Style Manual, and many others to automatically mark federal and/or state cases, statutes, rules, and other authorities.

Style manuals govern the citation styles and requirements set forth by a certain jurisdiction. While the Bluebook serves as the dominant authority for citation formats in American briefs, court documents, memoranda, law journals, and more, some states and other jurisdictions have adopted their own style manuals that legal practitioners must be aware of. ezBriefs removes the guesswork of ensuring that all citations within a legal document are found and marked according to the formatting requirements of both a style manual and court. Further, ezBriefs recognizes the unique requirements of each style manual and will automatically adjust the Table of Authorities to reflect the requirements of that style manual. With the ezBriefs Style Manual Selector, legal professionals need not to worry about locating all jurisdiction-specific authorities in their brief, motion, or pleading.

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ezBriefs offers the most up-to-date style manuals for any jurisdiction you’re filing in:

• The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Bluebook)
• California Style Manual
• Florida Style Manual
• Georgia Style Manual
• Style Manual for the Supreme and Appellate Courts of Illinois
• Louisiana Citation and Style Manual
• Maryland Style Manual
• Massachusetts Style Guide
• Michigan Appellate Opinion Manual
• Nevada Style Manual
• New Jersey Manual on Style
• New Mexico Style Manual
• New York Law Reports Style Manual
• Ohio Style Manual
• Oklahoma Style Manual
• Pennsylvania Code & Bulletin Style Manual
• The Greenbook: Texas Rules of Form
(Texas Greenbook)

style manual selection in ezbriefs