Native TA Entries

The only automated Table of Authorities software to do so, ezBriefs leverages Microsoft Word’s native TA entries when marking citations to offer users a host of advantages. This approach, as opposed to using proprietary TA entries, unlocks sharing and editing capabilities which were previously only available to those building tables of authorities using Microsoft Word’s manual process. An industry first, ezBriefs offers a direct solution for legal drafters who create, edit, and share documents with a table of authorities.

Like hidden placeholders, TA entries tell Microsoft Word what text in a document (i.e. a brief, motion, pleading, etc.) to include in a Table of Authorities. These TA entries are considered “native” to Microsoft Word and work seamlessly with the program’s in-place Table of Authorities feature. As the only Table of Authorities solution to do so, ezBriefs utilizes native TA entries as opposed to proprietary entries so that users and recipients alike can edit, share, and receive a brief built by ezBriefs without internet access or logging in to the ezBriefs platform. In contrast, some programs including Lexis for Microsoft Office by LexisNexis, Drafting Assistant by Thomson Reuters, and Best Authority by Litera prohibit access and collaboration by anyone not possessing a license to those programs.

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native TA entries in ezbriefs