Say goodbye to imposed Enterprise Licensing
Stuck in a Litera, Westlaw, or LexisNexis contract?
Benchly offers prospective users a seamless transition between your current provider and a more affordable, flexible, and efficient briefing technology. We offer your firm access to ezBriefs through the expiration of your Litera/Best Authority,
Westlaw/Drafting Assistant, or LexisNexis/LMO contract.
Once you execute an annual or multi-year agreement to ezBriefs, your firm will receive free access to the ezBriefs platform for the remaining duration of your in-place contract in addition to the selected term. See why firms across the U.S. are leaving software they don't need,
at prices they don't like, for ezBriefs.
Enter your details below to simulate your potential annual return on investment when using ezBriefs.